First Full Day in Fussen.

Wake up at nine. Best night of sleep since Lisbon, but I literally felt like I had slept for 2 days. An all-nighter at the airport really makes your body appreciate sleep. Apparently I spooned Kelsey; I just really like spooning, I can’t help it. Besides it was cold in the room.
Anyways wake up and walk into town. Original plan was to go to a bakery, but then we saw our new friend, Netto, and went there instead. Bought a yogurt and coffee for breakfast—yum!—and pretzel bread, Dijon mustard, ham and cheese for a lunch sandwich. I love pretzel bread. I would move here just for the pretzel bread. The views and temperature don’t hurt either. Or the fact that everyone thinks we’re German anyways. It’s nice to blend in! I’m home!

After getting a map from the tourist center, we decide to hike to the Cinderella castle, the Neuschwanstein castle. So without a watch and with lunch packed, we take of on our epic journey. (We also found this sweet german sweets store. They’re these balls of goodness called “schneeballen”. Look them up. I didn’t get one, but I took a bite. Mmm, will have to describe them tomorrow. Also, the store had a sign in “American”: “Ya’ll come back now, ya’ hear!” hahahahaha)

While Ryan slept, Kelsey and I decided to go exploring. Christie joined us too. It looks exactly like Beauty and the Beast’s forest—we were literally walking through a Disney movie. Well we got all of a quarter mile before we ventured off the path. There was this rock really close to the path that looked perfect for sitting, but then we got to that rock and there was one a little bit higher, that looked even better. And so on for a few rocks, and then we decide, why not climb this mountain side to sit on top of the cliff? And up we go.

It only took us a solid 10 minutes to realize this was probably not our smartest idea, but the goal was still so enticing. Up and up we go, crawling on hands and knees sideways up this hill at greater than a 50 degree incline. Mind you this hill is covered in a layer of leafs about six inches deep and under that wet, mossy earth. I don’t have cleats. I have everyday running shoes. There were times when I slipped and Christie literally two-handed my cheeks and pushed my butt back up the hill. So we get to the bottom of the cliff.

So close, thirty more feet up this crazy mountain side and we’re there. After several slides down and mud all over, we’re getting to the top. Kelsey crawls up first. I saw the light when one of her loose rocks flew inches from my face. I took one step closer and the second my shoe hit the wet rock I knew this was my last stop. So Christie passed me. Kelsey has a life moment when she slips and slides down the wet rock on her butt for awhile. Okay, she’s done. She laughs one of those laughs you laugh right after you realize you’re not dead. The hyperventilating/relief laugh. Haha.

Christie presses forward. I start directing Kelsey down. Christie finally caves. Now to get down. We all look down. Straight down. We’ve probably climbed 150 feet or more up this slippery mountain side that has absolutely zero grips and few trees. So what do I do? I pick a tree about 20 feet down, sit on my butt and slide. Not too scary. Pick another tree about 30 feet down. Sit on my butt and slide. Starting to get fun. And so it continues until we’re back on the hiking path, covered in mud but totally exhilarated with plenty of new quotes.

Catch up with Ryan and continue our hike. Hike up another mountain until we get to one with an up close and personal view of the two castles. Perfect place for a lunch break. Delish. Walk home, take a wrong turn that ended up working out and walked on some weird Christian pathway. There were three crosses that marked a stunning view of Fussen. Later there was an opening with a small shrine to Mary, a cross with a snake and another rock statue of Jesus carrying the cross. Very appropriate for Easter week!

Once we get into town we go back to Netto for dinner. Grab some grub and book it home—it’s almost five and I haven’t peed since I woke up. Pee then grab the car. Head towards the mountains. After a few misturns, finally find the perfect worn down road that heads straight into the Alps. Up we go in our cute station wagon Audi. At some point we pull over and walk up a creek. Find the perfect spot. We spend an hour or two finding wood and kindling while watching the sunset. Our little gorge turned golden and rosy as the rays came through. An amazing sunset.

Ryan starts the fire right as the sun goes down and all warmth goes away. We’re on the rocks on the dry half of the creek bed. BONFIRE IN THE BAVARIAN ALPS. It’s perfect, honestly. They roasted Brats on the fire and drank amazing German beers and I ate my fresh lettuce and cherry tomatoes. And we chilled. Talked and laughed and enjoyed our fire in the German forest. Even though it was around 40 degrees out, our huge fire kept us toasty warm

The moon gave us a fright though. All of a sudden our valley was filled with bright streams of light. We all thought a car had pulled up near ours. I go down to investigate. No one. Look behind me—brightest full moon I’ve ever seen. Incredible. Stay with our fire til midnight. Clean up, put it out, and walk by the light of the moon down the mountain to our car. Drive home, singing “She’ll be coming down the mountain” and “John Jacob Jingleheimerschmitt”. Arrive, write everything down. Say my prayers. Go to bed :)

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