As most of my friends from CIEE were traveling still, I spent the day with my new friend Enrique! I woke up early and caught the metro. He picked me up from the metro-with two helmets and a smile on his face. I told him I was scared of motos. But no longer! I had a blast! Turning was still a little scary for me, but the straight parts were so fun.
Kike with his mare, Romera
We went to the picadero (barn) to get the horses ready. The women who normally picks me up from the metro station to bring me to my lessons was skiing in the Sierra Navadas, and she let me ride her gorgeous PRE stallion. Gorgeous. Perfectly behaved. Are you kidding me? Enrique and I went for a long trail ride in the country all the way to his pueblo, Coria del Río, and back.
After that we headed out for lunch. Tried a "spicy" tapa. Haha the notion of spicy here cracks me up, but seriously if you come to Spain, try Solomillo a la Pimienta. Delicious!
After lunch, we took the bus back into the city, Sevilla, and walked around Plaza de España. I can't remember if I've posted pictures of this Plaza. I think so. I'll post another just because I am so in love with it. Also, a scene from Star Wars was filmed here:
(Link: http://www.youtube.com/watchv=edhLosefD0Q). How can you not love this place?!
After walking through Plaza de España, exploramos los jardines del Parque de María Luisa. uff que hermosos! Con muchos patos y familias y flores y palomas. Horas andando y riéndonos. Depués, escuchamos a la música sevillana por el río hasta las 10 de la noche. Un Día de Andalucía perfecto, y celebrado en el estilo andaluce! Me encanta Sevilla!