First and foremost, a very happy birthday to my dearest Kendall O'Connor!
She turns 21 today in the States, and I'm sure she's enjoying the bars even more because of the snow day. I cannot believe the storm you all got. Kind of jealous I wasn't in Chicago for the snow, but then again it's 50s and sunny here so I can't complain.
Another whirlwind week in Sevilla. I cannot believe I've only been here two and a half weeks. It feels like at least a month already. Every day it grows on me :)
I'll write a short list of all my fun adventures, and hope to one by one describe them in later posts.
Amazing. It's a pilgrimage site for many Spaniards. A beautiful white church on a lake/river/not quite sure called a "marismas". Beautiful!! Fiesta all day with 65 years + Spanish women, singing, dancing flamenco, crying in mass-it was so moving, and eating, clearly. Best memory yet!
Met and talked to real Spaniards the other day at a tapas bar. Really nice. Good to talk to people and have a respectful conversation with people my age. No pics, unfortunately. We exchanged numbers and hopefully we'll meet up again soon.

Calle Betis:
Lee, one of my best friends from IU came and visited me for a night in Sevilla. He is studying abroad in Barcelona this semester. We visited a tapas place and then went out to the bars. Thank the lord he was with me; Spanish men are very forward and adore blondes (Rubia rubia! Strange to think of blondes as exotic). Drunk Spanish men are worse. Lee was my body guard and I had a blast. Went down to the river with a few girlfriends after Lee left. They ate churros and we talked boys and overall had a great night.
Visited Sevilla's famous Catedral, the third largest gothic church in the world (behind the Vatican and a church in London). "Dios es el mas grande."
Absolutely incredible and I was fortunate to get a guided tour, so I learned some history and saw some secret rooms. More to share on this. Climbed the spiral ramp tower called La Giralda. Stunning views of Sevilla-you'd never know it was that big until you're up on top.
Senderismo (hiking):
Went on a hiking trip today to the countryside of northern Sevilla province, a town called Cazalla de la Sierra, creo. Exactly what I needed! We hiked in a group from 9am until 6pm. It was perfectly sunny and amazing. I loved our guides; one was the tallest Spaniard I've seen yet. We talked a lot and I laughed the entire time. He was hilarious.
Other than that my intensive session is now over. I gained 3 credits in two weeks, and now the real schedule begins. I'm taking four 3-credit classes, and I don't have any classes Friday which is grea
t for traveling. I'm excited to begin! Keep you all posted.Saludos, Besos besos besos!!!
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