Welcome to a typical day in Spain.

Remind me later to talk about Granada. It was so amazing that I'm having trouble describing my weekend. I'm such a tease. Maybe I'll post a picture.
745 - Alarm goes off. Cue groan.
750 - Motivation to stay awake. Grope for blinds' string. Open window. Slowly open eyes.
800 - Get out of bed. Pack bag. Contacts. Change.
815-830 - Leave for class. 15 minute range here due to flexible amount of time sitting on edge of bed staring at floor.
9-11 - Poetry class. Enthusiastic yet harsh teacher, dressed very Euro-punk. Anti-American commentary served in a back-handed style that would make any Southern Belle jealous.
1130 - Arrive at gym. Run. Good run today.
1 - Shower, Enjoy runner's high.
215 - Death of runner's high. Crash on couch at CIEE center (classes for foreigners). Deep sleep.
3-5 - Composition and drafting class.
5 - Grab a tea with friends. One of my good friend's birthdays today. Celebrated the big two one with smoothies and coffee.
7 - Walk home while enjoying the company of friends, intense sunshine, and a giant balloon Sponge Bob dancing in the palm trees along the river. They LOVE Sponge Bob.
8 - Blog, what else?
810 - Leave home to walk back to CIEE for an interest group reunion.
9 - Cooking class with my interest group-Can't wait!
1030 - The night is young...
1033 - and I'm always tired. haha maybe I'll go out, maybe not. Like I said, I'm a tease.
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