I officially stayed up 23 hours on end (más o menos) del estilo sevillano.
On a whim Friday night, decided to go to the beach Saturday morning with three friends. Monday is Día de Analucía, and therefore southern Spain gets to enjoy a long weekend. Majority of my friends are passing el puente in other countries traveling, but I'm very glad I stayed behind!
Woke up at 630am Saturday morning to catch the bus (it's a walk). We got to the beach in Huevla, Matalascañas, around 10 or so. It was still pretty chilly, so the four of us walked a bit, set up camp, and took "naps"-basically drifting in and out of nowhere land for a while.
Once the sun came out, it scared away the fog, and where there is sun, there are Spaniards. My friend Hannah and I went for a super long walk that felt fantastic. I'd hurt my heel Friday (it swelled between the arch and the heel to the size/hardness of a golf ball), but the icy water and sand helped it.

Other than that, we just enjoyed a very relaxing day at the beach. Read my book, ate fresh seafood, hopped in the water (briefly-just long enough to eat sand after a wave decided to play dirty), lounged under umbrellas, and missed the only bus home. I'm sorry, what was that? Missed the bus? No. The last bus of the day decided not to show, leaving my group of four plus about thirty Spaniards stranded on the beach. Next bus comes today at three in the afternoon. Oh good.
After very little debating, we decided to take a taxi to Sevilla. Yes it was expensive. Yes it was worth it! It ended up being about even per person compared to paying for a hostal for the night and a new bus. Plus our driver was so entertaining!! Hilarious guy. We laughed the whole ride home and arrived in Sevilla around 930pm.
Got home, with a nice rosy red tomato look. Showered, changed, and called my new friend from the barn. We met up along the river in Sevilla-he was supposed to give me a tour of the city but we ended up touring his pueblo, Coria del río instead. It was a blast! A low key night, which is much more my style than the discotecas of Sevilla. Didn't get back to my apartment until 5 in the morning! My first night going out Spanish style lol.
Asleep before my head hit the pillow. Woke up at 330pm to my señora telling me lunch was ready. Stumbled out of bed. Ate an amazing soup that had calamari y mussels. She told me I looked a little moreñita (tan (a little bit)-OMG). Who knew a rubia like me could be moreñita? Crazy day, but so much fun. One of my first true Spanish experiences wohoo. Haha Also, below is living proof of my interview. Tried to lift the shadows so you could see my facial expression. It's excellent.

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