At least, I think they're silly.
Spanish : Meaning
Eres mi media naranja : You're my other half
You're my orange half.
Tan borracho como la cuba : Really really drunk
As drunk the barrel.
Lameaculos : Suck-up
Butt licker, which consequently made me realize why in brown-noser, the nose is brown. Gross.
Uno, dos, tres, patata! : One, two, three, cheese! (as in photo-taking)
One, two, three, Potato!
Tripas! : Three!
Intestines! (I think it's derived from the word 'tripartito', or 'three part', but the shortened version cracks me up!)
Did you know cats here only have seven lives? My friend Kelsey believes it's due to all the smoking here...badumbump.
Para llevar: To go (f00d)
To wear
Bob Sponja: Sponge Bob.
They have an obsession here. I'm obsessed with their obsession. /Bohbey espoanha/
Hacer novillos: To play hooky
To make/do young bulls.. Don't know why I would know this one...
Te llevo bajo el piel: I've got you under my skin
I wear you under my skin
Lluvia de ideas: Brainstorm
Rain of ideas
Recojo el guante: Accept the challenge
Recover the glove [implied: that has been dropped by you]
Pregunta embarazosa: Loaded question
Awkward, sounds like pregnant (embarazada)
Con pecas: Freckles
Literally means that, but to sin is 'pecar', so I like to think of freckled people as skin full of sin
Mega-super-ultra-hiper guay: Really cool.
Really cool.
or even better...
Rrrrequete guay: Really cool.
Really cool, but "requete" is one of my favorite Spanish words.
Also on that list "luna" y "mariposa".
Chisme: Gossip/rumor
Onomatopoeia anyone?
In reference to el título, 'Miércoles = X', as the days of the week have different names, so do the abbreviations.
L M X J V S D ... lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo

Man I thought I had more. I'm sure there are lots more, but so far these crack me up.
Feel like I'm back to my normal self. Played hooky from my first class yesterday and went for an hour long run in the rain. Best decision ever. Off to my riding lesson soon!! And London with Megan Dale Marie Dodson tomorrow-Ah I cannot wait :)
PS Sorry for so many ups and downs. It's kind of embarrassing for me to let you all see what a loonytoon I am. But I said I'd share it all. Promise delivered.
Love you all very much!!!
Besos y abrazotes xoxoxox
(Family: Give extras to my puppies!)
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